One of the most common symptoms that patients present to the Neurologist would be tremors. In fact many patients think that tremors are synonymous with Parkinson’s Disease. Most patients with tremors DO NOT have Parkinson’s Disease.
In addition to evaluation of tremors, We evaluate many other abnormalities, in the movement of the face/limbs, and in the voice classified as Movement Disorders.
Patients with Movement Disorders can present at any age from toddlers all the way up to the Geriatric Age Range. In the younger age groups, some of the more common abnormalities would include Tics and Stereotypical Movements and in the older age abnormal rhythmic movements of the face and limbs, known as Choreiform Movements.
While not all Movement Disorders require treatment, these movements should be investigated and diagnosed appropriately. Other movement disorders we see routinely are Dystonia’s which can manifest with abnormal muscular contractions resulting in abnormal postures such as in the neck/head region known as Torticollis or sometimes with a specific task such as writing known as Writer’s Cramp.
treatment plan
treatment for the following dystonia’s, may include Botulinum toxin (Botox):
Blepharospasm – abnormal eye opening/closing;
Hemifacial spasm – one side of the face/eye twitches;